Here's a couple of interesting things to note:
Membership 14,131,467
Value of Humanitarian Aide Since 1985 $1.3 Billion
So lets do some math:
1,300,000,000 / 25 years of humanitarian aid = $52,000,00/year.
$52,000,000 / 14,131,467 members = $3.67/member/year of what is contributed from their tithing to humanitarian aid
Things to consider: What the Church has contributed to humanitarian aid each year regarding to the actual membership of that year.
Other things to consider: 25,000 people die EACH DAY (both adults and children) due to hunger.
And on a different note: 2 new temples are to be built in the Republic of Congo and South Africa.
...and THIS is why I can't leave it alone.
This doesn't trouble me because I see the funds of the church going to feed and nourish body and spirit. I can see how it is upsetting to you. You have a big heart. I don't understand why so many came in this world destined to leave it starving, but some day in this life or more likely the next, I know I'll get an explanation for which I am looking.