Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Well-Endowed Barbie

Lately, there has been quite a stir in the bloggernacle regarding the issue of modesty. Over the past few months numerous articles, Facebook posts, and blogs have taken on the issue of modesty and how it pertains to the young girls and the young women in our church. Many of these writings tell of the young women being solely responsible for maintaining the purity of our youth. Yes, it is a heavy burden to carry, but, alas, we of the fairer sex have come up with many ways to help keep modest hottest, starting with our youngest members.

First, through clever pinning on Pinterest, we saw one modest mother's idea of helping Naked Barbie maintain her modesty and the pure thoughts of little boys who might see her in her birthday suit. With just a few minutes with a Sharpie, Naked Barbie became permanently tattooed with undergarments fit for the eyes of innocent children who might play with her. 

See how Naked Barbie is now Modest Barbie in her shiny, new, skin-tight body suit. The purely transformed Modest Barbie is now suitable for playtime for both little girls and the impressionable little boys who might see her. This is a good first step in policing our children's thoughts, teaching them that nakedness, even when it comes to toys, is not suitable for their eyes and is something to be ashamed of and covered up.

Now, just in case Modest Barbie, is not quite to your modesty standards, you have other options, another mother has taken modesty maintenance a step further. Even though Modest Barbie has her private parts covered, there is still a bit of skin showing. With just a few minutes more, you can transform Modest Barbie into Shade Clothing Barbie, another idea from a different Pinterest mother.

Shade Clothing Barbie has the coloring extended down to just above her knees, and covers her chest and shoulders. I think this is a great second-step in keeping children's thoughts pure, but also, this may also help prepare little girls for the day when they will seek their own endowments for the temple. These colorful underclothes do give a sense of the garment a young woman receives after her first endowment, but they do lack the importance and sacredness the garment holds. 

To really prepare preschooler and little girls for the temple and the future of being the guardians and stewards of pure thoughts and sexuality for men, I give you Well Endowed Barbie.

Well-Endowed Barbie teaches little girls to hide their nakedness, but not be ashamed of their underwear. Having Well-Endowed Barbie as an example of what a true modest woman wears will help teach her what clothing she can and cannot select for her doll, and later, for herself. When your daughter takes Well-Endowed Barbie to a non-endowed house, she will be able to judge the other Barbies and their poorly chosen, immodest clothes. Also, Well Endowed Barbie's clothing will help protect her from the uncontrollable sexual urges of Unaccountable-For-His-Thoughts-And-Urges Ken Doll.

Starting from a young age and having Well-Endowed Barbie as a visual guide, will help your daughter pick the right clothes and the right friends for her future. It will help her stay away from the girls who show their shoulders, clavicles, thighs, and belly buttons and what impurity "those" types of girls hold.

So with just a little white nail polish and a pencil, you can transform your daughter's Barbie into something more suitable for her to play with... And coming soon, the "Barbie Burquini", it is not just for "Muslim Barbie" anymore.

(Other takes on Modest Barbie here)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Bad Mother

I am a bad mother.

I buy birthday cakes for my children at the grocery store. I don't make those hours-long, fondant-covered colorful creations that would impress even the great Martha Stewart. In fact, you would be lucky to find enough birthday candles in my house for the cake. This year, I could only hunt down three, so when DaughterNotSo had her fifth birthday, she blew out the first three and I relighted two for her to blow out again. And when we had a birthday party for her with her little friends, I bought a number "4" for her cake instead of a "5". Fail.

I don't do DaughterNotSo's hair everyday. I rarely make those hair creations with the twists and braids, and bows, and floral arrangements other moms create. I do try to have it brushed though, but most of the time she looks like she could belong in an orphanage with Little Orphan Annie. I cut SonNotSo's hair by myself and he hates it. The poor kid ends up with hair in his eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and bellybutton. I think I am going to buzz his hair for the summer just to ease the process for me.

Sometimes I recycle outfits they have worn from the day before. A few stains can last through another day. Sometimes their clothes are wrinkled from staying in the dryer for days because I haven't gotten around to folding them and I have a pile of button-up shirts that need to be ironed for the kids. I question my sanity as to why I even bought clothing that would need to be pressed. 

My children don't get bathed everyday and sometimes playing out in the sprinkler is counted as a bath. When they do get bathed, I leave them in the tub just so I can have a moment to meditate on my bed as they splash around, making a swampy mess. I should really be doing something like straightening up their rooms from days of neglected ciaos.

Feeding the kids 3 square meals everyday is even rarer than folded laundry. Getting SonNotSo to eat veggies and coaxing DaughterNotSo to eat her meal without issue, would be like a New Testament miracle. Sometimes I forget to give them their gummy vitamins. Most of the time, DaughterNotSo reminds me.

Yes. I am a bad mother. No pretenses here. I hardly pretend to be a perfect mother who has it all together. Putting on a facade of perfectionism would require more work. If you bump into us at the store, the kids may have crusts on their faces and stains on the clothes and their hair will probably look unkempt.

You may even wonder what my problem is...

Now if between the crusts of gunk on their cheeks and sleep in their eyes, I could just wipe the smiles off their faces, I could be a worse mother.