Thursday, October 13, 2011

If Given An Ear

I recently was asked if I were able to have the ear of some General Authority, what would I say or ask them: Simply put, my response was:

Personally, I do not care about women receiving the priesthood because I no longer believe in its power, but it would be refreshing to see women involved in higher decision making processes, instead of those decisions being based solely on the 1960's male tradition of running things. Seeing some female representation would be huge for me.

I would also love to see The Church go back to basics with Christ's message. I do not like seeing such a rich and powerful church use its resources for things other than to relieve human suffering. So much good could be done for God's children around the world if those resources were spent on them rather than on the infrastructure of the church. 

1 comment:

  1. I have had too many experiences not to believe. I'm sure that has left quite a void for you after believing all this time.
